Privacy policy

Data collected during visits to our website

During a visit to our website, data regarding the user's visit are automatically collected, e.g. public IP address, domain name, browser type, itp. This data are collected automatically and are used for statistical purposes. These are not personal data - the legal basis art. 6 section 3 of the act from 29 of August 1997 r. about the protection of personal data (i.e. Journal of Laws 02.101.926 as amended.) and are not transferred to any other entities.

How we use the collected data

All automatically obtained data, do not contain personal data and they remain to BEDA for inspection by third parties. This data can be used internally to perform visit statistics and analyze the most frequently visited links in order to increase the functionality of the Solum Service website.

Data collected automatically durnig visits on BEDA website, can not be changed or deleted.

Please be advised, that the e-mail address provided by user in the form available on this website is used only for sending a response to a submitted inquiry.

Using the Cookies mechanism

Our website uses cookies. This mechanism is not used to obtain any information about website users or to track their navigation. Cookies used on the website do not store any personal data or other information collected from the user.

The website uses a session cookie file, which is created and exists only during the browser session. It is necessary for the proper operation of individual elements of the website and cookies to collect statistical data for the website

The software used for browsing websites (web browser) allows cookies to be stored on the user's end device by default. Website useres can change their cookies settings at any time. This settings may be changed in particular, in such a way, as to block the automatic handling of cookies in the web browser settings, or to inform each time they are placed on the website user's device. If you don't change this settings, you accept the cookies used here.

Detailed information on the possibilities and ways of handling cookies are available in the software (web browser) settings.

Changing the privacy policy

BEDA reserves the right to amend this privacy policy by republishing it.

We are not responsible for privacy policy of websites, to which links from the website leads.